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My Blog!

Monday, 27 February 2012


If you did want to veiw any of them songs then click on these links: = Call Me Maybe. = Twilight. = Love On Top. = Earthquake. = Titanium. = Give Me All Your Luvin.

Call Me Maybe.

Dont you just love the song. I have many faveourite songs this isnt just my 1 favourite but I have so many songs. I like Call Me Maybe because its just really catchy when I hear it playing. I also have soo many more but that was just 1 example.
Why dont you comment on what your favourite song/songs.
I also like: Earthquake, Dance With Me tonight, Give me all your luvin,
Mamma do the hump, Reem, Titanium, Twilight and 7 days, But you might not of heard that before.
So dont forget to comment on what your favourite song is and why. Thank you jodie. x
Δиσтнɛя Ƥσƨт βʏ Ĵσ∂ιɛ. ϰ

Sunday, 26 February 2012

School Tomorrow.

Does everyone like school? Well I do because you get to see all your friends and sometimes you can do fun things in lessons. But I dont like going to school because some lessons are really boring and it makes the whole day go really slow.
Please comment on what your favourite lesson is and why, Or comment why you do or dont like going to school. Some days at school are really good and fun. Others are boring. I like just going to school to see all of my friends. Like Jess.
Thank you Jodie.x
Δиσтнɛя Ƥσƨт βʏ Ĵσ∂ιɛ. ϰ

Saturday, 25 February 2012

Another Competition!

I know I have already done a competition for you to do. But I though that I could do another one for you people. All you have to do is comment on what Picture I have made is the best and why your answer is. I will pronounce the winner. I will then ask them to send me a picture of their choice and I will publish it on my blog. Thank you.