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My Blog!

Sunday, 26 February 2012

School Tomorrow.

Does everyone like school? Well I do because you get to see all your friends and sometimes you can do fun things in lessons. But I dont like going to school because some lessons are really boring and it makes the whole day go really slow.
Please comment on what your favourite lesson is and why, Or comment why you do or dont like going to school. Some days at school are really good and fun. Others are boring. I like just going to school to see all of my friends. Like Jess.
Thank you Jodie.x
Δиσтнɛя Ƥσƨт βʏ Ĵσ∂ιɛ. ϰ


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. This is mine, ive gone a step further by creating a couple of pictures.

  3. longleggedhairyness327 February 2012 at 09:50

    i like geography, i like learning about different countries and how they live.

  4. ict because its fun and we got a nice teacher called mr fetters
    and hes considerate and ict is intresting anyway x

  5. Thank you all for your comments. They are really good. Jodie. x

  6. how dare yal delete my entrie
    oh my days, ur questioning me on my fav lesson? u shud no that babez! well mine is health and developing class, (subject: sex) its fasnating, it shows u how 2 have lil' babey wabeys, sooo cool @_@
