I have choose you as the winner. For the competition with The Green Cute Dino, Elmom, Miss Piggy, Kermit. I have choose you because I thought that you did some good description. So with a picture of your choice sent it to me over comments and I will publich it on my blog. Well Dine thank you. Jodie.x
øṃģ τhαṉќṡÿεώṡ вαвεÿ :) løṿε ÿαl :)høρε υ'ṡε lïќε ṃÿ ρïс, ïτṡ ṿεɾÿṡ сɾεατṡ :) χχ
ṃαÿвε- ï ṡhυḋ јυṡτ, løṿε ṃÿ hïρṡ αṉḋ ṡώïṉģ αṉḋ ģïģģlε hαhα *
løṉģlαïɾεḋløсÿ2 xx
oopsies sorry babe, heres the link :)